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Suit up with Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Endgame and Pixel

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Want to defeat a villain like Thanos and save the world?

Now #teampixel can, with a little help from Marvel Studios and Playground, a creative mode in the Pixel camera that gives you the power to create and play with the world around you using augmented reality. Just in time for the upcoming release of Marvel Studios’ “Avengers: Endgame,” in theaters April 26, today we’re adding to our collection of Playmoji from the Marvel Cinematic Universe with five new characters: War Machine, Thor, Black Widow, Rocket and Captain Marvel.

The heroes join Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Nebula and Okoye in Playground, so now you can make even more epic scenes come to life by adding the interactive characters to your photos and videos. Thanks to ARCore’s motion tracking, light estimation and ability to understand the real world, the Playmoji look and feel lifelike, and react to your facial expressions in real time.

You don’t need superhero strength or a suit of armor to unleash the power of Playground—you just need a Pixel and the newest Playmoji joining the Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Endgame pack.

For some added fun, we reimagined the Marvel Cinematic Universe by exploring what would happen if Pixel 3 was launched into a world in need of a little assistance, alongside the Avengers.

So whether you’re suiting up to defeat Thanos or getting ready to supercharge your selfie, start saving the world alongside your favorite Playmoji using Playground today. Show us how you’re assembling to defeat Thanos on social with #pixelendgame.

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