Start off your summer with #teampixel

Need a fresh perspective? It’s all yours, courtesy of #teampixel. From a Buddhist monastery in Russia to a picturesque lighthouse in North Carolina, to the best swing set … ever, here’s your weekly look at some of the “Pixel perfect” images shared by Pixel users on Instagram.
Left: @ahwagner - Lines on lines in Bodie Island, NC. Right: @alasdairwillson - Ivolginsk Datsan monastery, Russia
Left: @glitchlov3 - A patch of blue in St. Petersburg, Russia. Right: @heydavina - Stopping for lunch in Manhattan, NY
@canvasoul - Silhouettes against the sky
Left: @mrtroiano - Puffins in the Faroe Islands. Right: @monp54 - Making friends in Fairy Glen, Scotland
Left: @michilyons - Summer = sparklers, in Maplewood, NJ. Right: @randomitguylv - Montana Redonda, Dominican Republic
Left: @oliverbock - Liverpool, meet reflecting pool. Right: @willfungus - A dizzying staircase at Nagoya Castle, Japan
If you’ve got a Pixel, share your photos with #teampixel—we might feature them on Keyword and Instagram.