Celebrity GIFs: They’re just like us!
In an age when people talk all day on text and email, we’ve come to rely on the art of the GIF to convey our emotions. To recognize life’s most joyous moments—or to navigate the tricky ones—we search for the perfect GIF and hit send.
The Google Trends team looked at GIF search trends from Tenor (Google’s search engine for GIFs and stickers) to see which celebrity gifs are most commonly associated with certain emotions or reactions. Good news for GIF-lovers: they made made a nifty data visualization tool that you can explore. Search for a specific celebrity like Justin Timberlake, and you’ll see that 42 percent of Justin Timberlake GIF searches are for “happy.” Or filter by emotion, like “surprised” to find out which celebrity has the largest share of those searches (spoiler alert, it's Pikachu).
Search by celebrity or by emotion.

Even better news for GIF lovers: you can use this tool to figure out how to deal with any situation that you may encounter. Imagine a friend coming to you with one of the problems listed below. There’s a celebrity GIF out there with the appropriate response.
Q: How do I let someone know they’ve upset me without making it a big deal?
A: Emma knows it best, you’re not made of stone. It’s ok to let them know how you feel.

Q: How can I be more supportive of my teammates when they do a good job at work?
A: Put your hands together for these celebs who have the largest share of “clap” searches.

Q: What should I do on those days when everything is going wrong?
A: In or out of the office, we’ve got just the thing: Stanley Hudson, who is the king of laughing it off.

Q: My best friend takes me too seriously. How do I make sure he understands I’m joking?
A: Some people need visual cues; a quick wink can help you deliver your punchline.

The next time you’re at a loss for words, maybe your favorite celebrity can help.