Google app update: making it easier to keep up with the things you need to know
With constant news updates, changing schedules, and traffic delays, staying on top of everything can be challenging. The Google app has useful cards ready to help you keep track of everything you care about — from sports scores to that package you ordered — and we’ve been thinking up ways to make the experience even more helpful. That’s why we’re rolling out an update to help you stay organized and in the know about the things that matter to you. Starting today, in the Google app on Android (and coming soon to iOS), your cards will be organized into two sections: a feed that keeps you current on your interests like sports, news, and entertainment, and a section for your upcoming personal info, like flights, appointments and more.

Feed - To stay current on topics you care about
The feed is an ongoing and updated look at the things you care about, keeping you updated with the freshest info on your sports teams, people of interest, music, and news stories. The more you use Google, the more tailored and relevant your feed will become. To update your interests and add others at any time, just tap “Customize” in the Google app’s settings menu.For those in the U.S. — and rolling out to other countries in the coming months — we’re also giving you an additional way to tell Google what you care about. You’ll see a card in your feed that lets you select topics of interest that you’d like to see more info and stories on.
Upcoming - To keep up with your day
You can also toggle over to your upcoming dashboard for a dependable view of your personal info — keeping details of your daily schedule, travel time for your commute, package delivery info and more, all in one place. With the holiday travel season upon us, you’ll never need to dig through your email to find your boarding pass or flight info. Tap to ta-da!With this latest refresh of the Google app, a single tap will load your life’s interests and updates. We hope these go-to guides will help you stay organized and on top of the things you care about.