Breadcrumb Products Search Collection Share Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Mail Copy link Humans Behind Search Jun 16, 2022 · 7 articles 16 Jun, 2022articles 7 Jun 16, 2022 7 articles 16 Jun, 2022 articles 7 Meet some of the people behind Google Search. Search Humans behind Search: Meet Mor Googler Mor Schlesinger, who heads up the Climate and Crisis Response team, shares her insights. Search Humans Behind Search: Meet Catherine Googler Catherine Ruggles, Engineering Director for Search, talks about her favorite feature and the future of search. Search Humans behind Search: Meet Guy Guy is Google's lead product manager at the Journalist Studio, where he works on tools to support journalists. Search Humans Behind Search: Meet Matt Googler Matt Cooke, who heads up the Google News Lab, talks about how his team is keeping it real in news and search. Search Humans Behind Search: Doodle guest artist, Joe Impressions We speak to graphic designer and Google Doodler Joe Impressions about using Search in his design process. Search Humans Behind Search: Hadas, software engineer and trends expert Hadas Jacobi is a software engineer working in Search on Google Trends. Search Humans Behind Search: Thoka, Art Director im Google Doodle-Team Aus der Lausitz nach New York: Thoka Maer spricht über ihren Werdegang & ihre Arbeit, Doodles für Google Startseiten weltweit zu entwe…