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The Keyword

New ways we're helping you find high-quality information

Illustration of a magnifying glass in front of windows with green check marks on them, indicating fact checking.

With a consensus-based technique, we’re improving featured snippets.

A screenshot shows a query for “how long does it take for light from the sun to reach earth,” with a featured snippet highlighting a helpful article about the question and a bolded callout saying “8 and ⅓ minutes.”

With About this page in the Google app, you can get helpful context on websites as you’re browsing.

A gif shows the About this page feature, where someone swipes up on the navigation bar in the Google app while browsing the website for the Rainforest Alliance, and sees a panel with information about the source from across the web.

New content advisories on searches where our systems don’t have high confidence in the overall quality of the results.

A gif shows a content advisory that says “It looks like there aren’t many great results for this search” along with tips like checking the source and trying new search terms.

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