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The women behind some of Google’s most impactful products

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A woman with shoulder length hair wearing a white collared shirt smiling at a the camera.

Anne Merritt, a product manager for Search, started her career as a physician in the emergency room where she cared for patients in crisis. Now, she brings her passion for helping people to Google Search’s personal crisis hotlines, which connect people in need with resources that can change — and in some cases save — their lives.

A woman with brown curly hair smiling into the camera and holding a world map LEGO box.

Kristi Bohl, a product manager for Street View, loves helping people see the marvels of the world — from Machu Picchu to the Great Barrier Reef. Before working on Street View, she worked on Google Photos where she made recognizable features, like Memories, more inclusive. Kristi worked to showcase more activities and hobbies that people from different backgrounds enjoy and events that take place around the world.

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