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New features to help merchants stand out this holiday season

Illustration of a person looking at two pairs of mittens on Google on a large phone screen. A panel on the left zooms in a pair of blue mittens.
A search for “shop kids foam blocks” on a mobile phone shows several results, including one that has a “small business” label.
Animation shows a laptop screen on the Google Merchant Center site. In the “business identity attributes” section, a cursor clicks the “small business” option.
An image of a before and after of a panel of information on the right hand side of Search results about a merchant, which now shows ratings and reviews, promotions, online support pages, shipping and returns policy.

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Google/Ipsos Buyer's Remorse Survey, US, 2023, N=1,000 General Population Americans; plus oversample of online shoppers N=300; May 12-14, 2023


Google Data, US, Jan - Dec. 2022

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