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The Keyword

New tools to help small businesses connect with online shoppers

An illustration of a woman standing in front of a phone with product listings on its screen. Another screen shows a colorful line graph, and icons like star ratings, hearts and shopping bags float in the background.
A bottle of lotion is shown in a photo editing interface, with two overlaid images showing “before” and “after” photos. The “before” photo shows a lower-resolution, blurry view of the bottle, and the “after” view is clearer. There are options to “download” or “add to Merchant Center.”
A page titled “Products” shows a list of product details in grid view. There are various columns, including “visibility,” “status,” product thumbnails and “click potential.”
A page titled “Performance” shows a line graph of the number of “clicks on Google led to your website.”

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Google Data, Global, April 6th, 2023

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