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Making it even easier to manage your tasks

Before and after illustration shows woman first stressed out by doing multiple things at once, then relaxed with images of Tasks and Reminders icons around here
Animation of using the “Add to Tasks” button in Gmail,  then starring the task to mark as important
Animation using Google Assistant on a smartphone to add a to-do to your Google Tasks list.

Create from anywhere, manage centrally

Bringing Assistant Reminders capabilities to Google Tasks also opens up new and better ways to capture your to-dos using the hands-free power of Assistant. Just say, “Hey Google, remind me to call dad every Thursday at 6pm” to your mobile or smart display and it will show up in your Tasks list, as well as on Google Calendar. And don’t worry, if you specify a date or time, you will also get a notification when it's time to complete the task so you don't forget.

Animation of notification on smartphone that helps users move their Assistant Reminders to Tasks

Unlock a better experience

In the coming months, when you use Assistant or Calendar to create or view reminders, you'll see a notification on your phone or computer that will prompt you to be one of the first to try the new Tasks experience. Simply open the notification to move your reminders into Google Tasks so you can manage all your to-dos in one place. We'll also share more details on the Workspace Updates Blog ahead of any changes.

We are continuing to invest in Google Tasks and expand its capabilities to help you capture, organize and accomplish all you have to get done. Moving reminders into Google Tasks is one step closer to helping people effortlessly get things done, and we are so excited to bring it to you.

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