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Meet the YouTube Directors App Newest Template: Elections

In just over a year, people have watched more than 110 million hours of candidate and issues-related content on YouTube.1 That’s like watching the entire Game of Thrones series almost 2 million times over. And 57% of undecided voters say they’re most likely to pay attention to political advertising when it’s online.

This provides a huge opportunity for nonprofits, voter advocacy organizations and local campaigns of every size and at every level to get in front of voters, but we know creating an engaging video ad can be challenging. We want to make it easier.

With the YouTube Director suite of products, it’s incredibly easy to make a video ad spot and reach those looking to make political decisions. You can even make one right from your phone!

The YouTube Director App

The YouTube Director app provides shot-by-shot guidance so you can create a high-quality video ad quickly and easily -- and upload it right to YouTube from the app. No video editing experience required.

YouTube Director's App Image

As we head into the final 32 days of the election, we’ve just added new, easy-to-create templates for candidate bios, issue stances, ballot propositions, and GOTV spots. (Download here, select “by business,” choose “politics” and then just select the template that suits your needs.)

While this app is DIY, there is also the YouTube Director onsite option that allows you to work with a professional film crew in select cities. Learn more here.

No matter what size campaign, getting the word out on YouTube just became a whole lot easier.

Think with Google, March 2016

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