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LaMDA: our breakthrough conversation technology

An animation demonstrating how language is processed by LaMDA technology.
Animation of a multi-turn conversation between a person and LaMDA. The transcript reads:  USER: Hi, I’d like to have a conversation demonstration for a blog post.  LaMDA: Hi. I’m a friendly and knowledgeable demonstration for your blog post. I can engage in interesting conversation about virtually anything. What would you like to chat about?  USER: if my washing machine and tv are both malfunctioning at the same time what could the reason be?  LaMDA: It could be the power surge from the washing machine may have fried your tv. If it’s a power surge problem it may be time to get a new washing machine. Or a new TV.  USER: yeah maybe. btw how many legs does a horse have, and could it fix my washing machine?  LaMDA: Horses have four legs. How could they help?  USER: you tell me  LaMDA: Oh, well they could certainly help you. By moving you to a new home where you could install a new washing machine.

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