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These researchers are bringing AI to farmers

From left to right, Diana and Courtney are pictured holding flower bouquets gifted to them by the farmers they're pictured with, as they visited the farmers they work with in Vijayawada, India to observe an information exchange.
Diana, Courtney, friends and farmers in India

In 2019, Courtney and Diana led a workshop at the CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture summit; Courtney also participated in a panel discussion. In 2020, Diana spoke at a virtual CGIAR panel on human-centered design. 

Diana (left) and Courtney (right) are dedicated to building inclusive AI for farmers with small rural businesses in Africa and Asia. Diana is based in Accra, Ghana and Courtney is based in Seattle, Washington in the U.S. 

Courtney pictured here during a research trip to India.

Diana is all smiles at a team building event.

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