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The Keyword

100 things we announced at I/O

A patterned illustration featuring the Chrome dino, the number 22, the letters "I/O" and various celebratory imagery.
Pixel products grouped together on a white background. Products include Pixel Bud Pro, Google Pixel Watch and Pixel phones.
Illustration depicting a smart home, with lights, thermostat, television, screen and mobile device.
GIF of a man baking cookies with a speech bubble saying “Set a timer for 10 minutes.” His Google Nest Hub Max responds with a speech bubble saying “OK, 10 min. And that’s starting…now.”
Animated GIF  demonstrating portrait light, bringing studio-quality lighting effects to Google Meet.
A picture of London in immersive view.

The 10 shades of the Monk Skin Tone Scale.

Ten circles in a row, ranging from dark to light.
A GIF that shows someone’s Google account with a yellow alert icon, flagging recommended actions they should take to secure their account.
Illustration of a black one-story building with large windows. Inside are people walking around wooden tables and white walls containing Google hardware products. There is a Google Store logo on top of the building.

More Information


These devices have not been authorized as required by the rules of the Federal Communications Commission or other regulators. These devices may not be sold or otherwise distributed until required legal authorizations have been obtained.


The stainless steel in the watch housing is 80% recycled content.


Pixel Buds Pro are designed to comply with a water protection rating of IPX4 under IEC standard 60529 when manufactured, and the case is rated IPX2, but they are not waterproof. Water resistance is not a permanent condition and decreases or is lost over time due to normal wear and tear, repair, disassembly, or damage. Dry your Pixel Buds Pro and case after exposure to any liquids.


This device has not been authorized as required by the rules of the Federal Communications Commission or other regulators. This device may not be sold or otherwise distributed until required legal authorizations have been obtained.

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