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A look inside 2017 Europe Code Week

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Last month, we announced our support of Europe Code Week 2017, an initiative from the European Commission to encourage programming by showing educators, families and young people how to bring ideas to life with code, demystifying these skills and bringing motivated people together to learn. We provided sponsorships to 60 organizations in 33 countries that take creative, interactive and inspiring approaches to get students excited about computer science. And we’re excited that in total, 56,000 students had the chance to gain more exposure to CS as part of these efforts. Here’s a look at a few of the organizations we supported, and the events they held this month:

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    The “Rising Technologists Coding Roadshow” by Stichting NewTechKids introduced CS concepts to 200 students in four primary schools in Amsterdam Southeast, a predominantly low-income and minority community.
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    In Italy, awardee Associazione DSchola Le scuole per le scuole ran a three-hour coding and Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) workshop for 400+ elementary and middle school students.
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    In Turkey, Anabilim Eğitim Kurumları ran “Code Forest,” workshops that use Scratch, Arduino, Google Cardboard and Makey Makey to inspire and inform students and parents about CS.
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    In Spain, IES Penyagolosa organized the first “Raspberry Jam” event in Castellón. Students and their parents attended three workshops: Raspberry Pi programming, mBot programming and 3D design and printing.
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    In Lithuania, Association “Langas į ateitį” organized seven events which introduced 460+ students to coding and trained 19 teachers. As a result, Kurmaičiai primary school initiated after-school IT activities for children and will host a monthly Micro Bit activity with a local robotics school.
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    In Tabasalu Gymnasium, Estonia, 400+ students with no prior experience in programming joined workshops run by more experienced student teachers. Participants expressed they liked this methodology and students who taught enjoyed sharing their own knowledge.
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    In Donegal, Ireland, Saint Eunan's College hosted a week-long promotion of computer science that reached 650 students.
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    In the Czech Republic, Czechitas opened 14 workshops for beginners in computer science in the Municipal Library of Prague, as well as two classes for schools, reaching 250 students.
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    A full-day event for girls age 9-15 was run in Sweden by the Luleå University of Technology.
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    In Cyprus, CARDET organized a robotics day for more than 200 students in which students themselves taught how to program to other students.

We’re delighted to have helped these 56,000 students gain more coding experiences in just two weeks, and to collaborate with the European Commission on this successful initiative. See Code Week’s events page to find activities still taking place, and find resources for France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Spain, Switzerland and the U.K. For all other countries please visit

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