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TensorFlow lends a hand to build a rock-paper-scissors machine

Rock-paper-scissors machine built with TensorFlow
hardware components of rock paper scissors
The hardware components of the rock-paper-scissors machine
probability of rock paper scissors
Estimated probability distribution of rock (red), paper (green) and scissors (blue), as determined by TensorFlow and our linear model

The next step was to determine which combination of three numbers represents rock, paper or scissors. We wanted to do it in a way that could be flexible over time—for example if we wanted to capture more than three hand positions with many more sensors. So we created a linear model—a simple algebraic formula that many of you might have learned in high school or college—and used machine learning in TensorFlow to solve the formula based on the given sensor data and the expected results (rock, paper or scissors). What’s cool about this is that it’s like automated programming—we specify the input and output, and the computer generates the most important transformation in the middle.

kaz's son drawing
My son drawing the sign for the machine hand

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