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The Keyword

New ways to improve health outcomes in South Yorkshire

A photograph of the Google team and partners

Professor Tim Chico, Director of South Yorkshire Digital Health Hub; Professor Steven Haake, Director of Engagement at the Advanced Wellness Research Centre; Professor Liz Mossop, Vice Chancellor of Hallam Sheffield University; VP & Managing Director for Google UK and Ireland, Debbie Weinstein; Oliver Coppard, Mayor of South Yorkshire; Professor Koen Lamberts, Vice Chancellor of University of Sheffield; Dr Susan Thomas, Director of Google Health UK; Steven Pleasant, Healthy Lives Adviser for the South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority

A picture of the teams involved in this project.

VP & Managing Director for Google UK and Ireland, Debbie Weinstein delivering the keynote speech at the Google Digital Garage event.

A photograph of VP & Managing Director for Google UK and Ireland, Debbie Weinstein delivering the keynote speech at the Google Digital Garage event.

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