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Engineers are girls: the Googler behind “Ara the Star Engineer”

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Komal and her daughter, Araiya


What inspired you to write “Ara the Star Engineer?”

One day I was working from home, and my daughter was with me while I was on a video call. She asked me about the various people on the call, so I pointed at the screen and said, “That’s Alex, that’s Kurt, that’s Eric, that’s Mike.” She responded, “Oh, engineers are boys.” I was shocked (and really bummed) by her reaction, so that same day, I wrote the first proposal for the book.

Without giving away too much, what’s the story about? 

Ara is a six-year-old girl who wants to count all the stars in the sky but doesn’t know how. She has a sidekick droid named DeeDee, and they go to DeeDee’s birth land, the Innovation Plex. There, they meet real life female engineers from Google, all from diverse backgrounds (in the book, we call them sheroes). In the end, they learn about an algorithm of success: courage, creativity, coding and collaboration.

Here’s a behind the scenes look at how the book’s illustrations (by Ipek Konak) were done. This is a mood board of Ara.

Evolution of DeeDee, so hard to finalize one!

Coding pods coming to life.

The sheroes


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