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This talking Doogler deserves a round of a-paws

A white dog, Cosmo, lays on a wooden picnic table near the water with a bird flying overhead.
Cosmo stands on a sidewalk next to a table, chairs and a chalkboard sign. A person is sitting next to him, holding his leash and wearing blue jeans and a brown pair of shoes.

Using a wine box and a “breadboard,” a prototyping board for electronics, Rutledge created his own set of dog “talking” buttons.

Cosmo’s first board featured three buttons: “food,” “water” and “outside.”

Cosmo’s board now features seven buttons, including his favorite — “scritches” (belly rubs).

Cosmo is looking up and putting his paw on a rectangular wooden board. He is sitting on a blue patterned rug with a white blanket next to him.

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