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New Google for Education tools for how you teach, learn and manage

Graphic of product launches with colorful drawings

With Google Classroom’s Read Along integration, educators will be able to measure progress and see metrics on accuracy, speed and comprehension for individual students and the class overall.

With practice sets in Classroom, educators will soon be able to review suggested hints shown to students, and add their own resources, like text hints or videos.

On the Google for Education App Hub, educators and admins can find apps that connect with Google Workspace for Education and Chromebooks.

Make class more accessible by pairing a sign language interpreter to whomever is speaking

Classroom analytics will make it possible to gain visibility into student performance and engagement, including if assignments are being completed, how grades are trending, and how Classroom is being adopted. Educators will be able to view similar information for their own classes, too.

Designated education leaders and support staff can now get temporary class access to support educators, manage substitute teachers, see information for guardian conversations, and more — all without needing to be a co-teacher. To support transparent collaboration, visitors notify the educator with the reason for their visit

Curriculum leaders and educators can share links to class templates and classwork so educators can import classwork into their classes.

Reading mode in Chrome browser is now available on all Chromebooks

With PDF OCR technology, screen reader users will be able to convert images to text for PDFs in Chrome browser on ChromeOS

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