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3 ways we’re tackling water challenges in India

Three people clean the bottom of a water well.

Project volunteers plant trees around the Mullakathuva Lake in Hyderabad, India, to improve habitat quality and create more local green space.

A large group of people plants trees in front of a lake.

The restored Gopinager well in Hyderabad will provide 1,500 people in the village with access to a reliable water source.

The Sai Krishna well in Hyderabad is a cultural gathering space for nearby communities and schools.

The Bada Mandir well in Gurgaon is believed to be more than 300 years old and has long been a place for community gatherings.

The repaired Shurtiwala well in Gurgaon will provide local farmers and community members with a source of water for crops and daily needs.

The Doddabalapura well will provide water access to 600 people in Myasandra, a small village near Bangalore.

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