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Helping California’s monarch butterflies: an update

An orange and black monarch butterfly rests on a purple flower.
Photo: Rick Miskiv for Google

In the past year, we’ve measured increases in the presence of monarch caterpillars on our campuses, like this one crawling on milkweed in Mountain View. (Rick Miskiv for Google)

We’ve also seen increases in monarch eggs, like this one near a Google building in Sunnyvale. (Rick Miskiv for Google)

And we’ve found measurably more adult monarch butterflies near our campus habitat projects compared to other sites. (Rick Miskiv for Google)

We’ve enhanced monarch habitat in the Crittenden pollinator garden outside a Google building at 1400 Crittenden Lane. (Rick Miskiv for Google)

A monarch butterfly lands on a native yarrow plant at the Crittenden pollinator garden. (Rick Miskiv for Google)

Monarch habitat at Charleston East includes milkweed, Cleveland sage and native bunch grasses. (Rick Miskiv for Google)

A monarch butterfly drinks nectar from a Cleveland sage flower at Charleston East. (Rick Miskiv for Google)

Our monarch habitat attracts many pollinators, including this native bumblebee collecting pollen from a lupine flower. (Rick Miskiv for Google)

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