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Get more done and have fun with new Android features

Illustration of two smartphones, two tablets, and a Wear OS powered smartwatch, all displaying new features.

Transfer files easier across your own devices with Nearby Share.

Animated demonstration of using Nearby Share to quickly share a photo from a user's smartphone to their tablet device nearby.
An animation of a widget being pinned on a screen to make it bigger.

Use Gboard to instantly express yourself with emoji in one tap.

Animation of how Gboard's Emojify feature instantly adds emoji to your text messages in a variety of styles.

New Emoji Kitchen mashups add new stickers to Gboard.

Animation of an Emoji Kitchen mashup in action, combining the 100 emoji and maple leaf emoji into one, panning out to a collage of new mashups.

Watch and play together, instantly on Google Meet.

Phone device video demonstration of several Google Meet callers watching the same YouTube video together.

Stay focused on select people with multi-pinning in Google Meet.

Phone device video demonstration of a user pinning two members to the top of their Google Meet call.

Receive alerts for custom household sounds on your phone and watch.

Animated demonstration of how Sound Notifications records beeping sounds to help keep you detect critical sounds.

Discover and find audio described movies on Google TV.

Video demonstration of using Google Assistant to quickly browse Audio Described movies available on Google TV.

Create new notes and check off lists with the new Keep tile for Wear OS.

Demonstration of a user dictating a new Note into their watch with their voice, before tapping to set it as a reminder for later.

See your Bitmoji sidekick on your Wear OS watch face.

Animated demonstration of how Bitmoji on your watch face changes throughout the day, including when you're waking up, listening to music and going to bed.

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