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Chromebook keeps important files at your fingertips

A man wearing over ear headphones sits cross legged on a brown leather couch, while working on a Chromebook laptop in his lap.

 In Tote, you can pin files that you want to access frequently and easily.

A zoomed in look at Tote, which has several files pinned, including a Logo, a zip file, and a GIF.

Now scanned files and reports from the Diagnostic App on Chromebook will automatically appear in Tote, under “Downloads.”

A zoomed in look at Tote, with a file called “Lease_Agreement.pdf” in the “Downloads” section.

From the Files app, right click or drag a file to Tote to pin it.

A GIF that shows a user right clicking on a spreadsheet and saving it to Tote.

 Soon you’ll be able to see download status for files in Tote.

In Tote, two files are in progress downloading, one video and one spreadsheet.

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