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7 Maps and Lens features to use on your next trip

An illustration of a woman cycling through different cities

Immersive view is live in London, Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco and Tokyo and it’ll launch in Amsterdam, Dublin, Florence, and Venice in the coming months.

The Recents tab on desktop Google Maps makes it easy to stay organized while trip planning, and share your favorite places with friends and family.

Multisearch near me makes it easy to find local cuisine

A gif showing how to use multisearch near me in Lens to find local cuisine

Search with Live View can help you find your way around cities like New York, London, Los Angeles, New York, Paris, San Francisco and Tokyo plus Barcelona, Dublin and Madrid in the coming months.

A gif of Search With Live View on Google Maps in New York City

Bike and scooter information is available on Google Maps in more than 500 cities globally like Berlin, New York, and São Paulo on both Android and iOS.

A gif showing how to find bike and scooter share information in Google Maps

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