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Google News Showcase, now on desktop

This illustration shows two users looking at News Showcase panels

An example of the desktop experience for Google News Showcase with some of our partners.

This image shows the desktop experience for News Showcase readers with our rundown panels.

An example of how Google News Showcase's catalog page will look with some of our partners. 

This image shows an example of how Google News Showcase will look on desktop with different panels from our partners

An example of how a News Showcase publishers’ landing page will look. 

This image shows an example of how a News Showcase publishers’ landing page will look, in this example we're showing our partner Der Spiegel in Germany.

 An example of how the new linked bullets in News Showcase panels will look from a reader perspective. 

This GIF shows an interactive view of how the new linked bullets in News Showcase panels will look like for readers. You can click off the bullet and go directly to the website of the publication.
An animated GIF showing some new numbers from our News Showcase product, including that 460,000 users have tapped the Follow button and that there are 10 million clicks per month on News Showcase content

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