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A Premium night’s rest with Google Pixel Watch

A black woman sleeping while wearing Google Pixel Watch

Giraffe: Your sleep tends to be shorter, and you are more likely to sleep later and wake up earlier. You have a relatively good proportion of deep and REM sleep despite a shorter overall duration. Most Giraffes skew younger in age.

Bear: You tend to have a consistent sleep schedule, regularly falling asleep around the same time. You go to bed earlier than most, and you tend to reach a sound sleep quickly. Your sleep tends to be long and restful, with a relatively high proportion of deep and REM sleep.

Dolphin: You tend to fall asleep later than most and sleep for less time overall—maybe due to an inconsistent sleep schedule. Compared to others, you tend to be a lighter sleeper and might take naps to catch up.

Hedgehog: You usually fall asleep later and wake up earlier. You are a lighter sleeper—typically taking longer to reach sound sleep and may get less deep and REM. Most Hedgehogs skew older in age.

Parrot: You tend to keep a consistent bedtime and don’t sleep too early or late. You typically reach sound sleep quickly and usually get a good amount of sleep each night. You likely sleep deeply once you drift off but can be light on REM due to waking up briefly throughout the night. The Parrot has the highest proportion of men, and is one of the most active users with an average of 9,733 steps per day.

Tortoise: You tend to fall asleep at different times each night, but often earlier than most. Paired with slightly later average wake times, you tend to spend more time in bed overall but may find it takes longer to reach a sound sleep, impacting your lower than average deep and REM sleep. The Tortoise has the highest proportion of women, but is the least common sleeper type (12.2% of users).

Fitbit Premium offers personalized insights and advanced longitudinal analytics to help you be more active, sleep better, stress less, and more, including Daily Readiness Score to help you know when your body is ready for a workout or needs a recovery day.

Try a wide range of exercise and mindfulness sessions in Fitbit Premium to help you stay motivated for your fitness routine and help you wind down for bed.

Better understand how well your body is handling stress with this daily and detailed personalized score via Fitbit Premium.

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Available with Charge 5, Inspire 3, Inspire 2, Luxe, Sense 2, Sense, Versa 4, Versa 3 and Versa 2 devices.

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