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India Blog

Google for India 2021: Stepping up product focus to drive digital inclusion in India

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Piloting the first-ever Google Assistant-enabled, end-to-end vaccine booking flow in India, where users will receive voice guidance at each step while booking a vaccination appointment on the COWIN website

Google Search will now translate high-quality content from pages that may be in a different language from a local language query. Tapping the translated search results will take the user to the destination page, where they can view the content in their preferred local language or in the page’s original language.

Flow showing local language search results

By simply tapping a button in the Search results, people can now hear the information read back to them in Hinglish and five Indian languages.

Read out loud in local language Search results

Hinglish language option on Google Pay

Screens showing Hinglish as a language option on Google Pay

Split expenses easily with Bill Split on Google Pay

Split expenses easily with Bill Split on Google Pay

MyShop - a simple store builder for merchants to create an online presence

MyShop - a simple store builder for merchants to create an online presence

Air quality information on Google Search

Weather alerts for severe climatic conditions on Google Search

Flood Forecasting updates in affected regions