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7 ways to stress less with Fitbit

Three Sense 2 devices are shown with stress management features on the screens.

The Body Response feature on Sense 2 detects acute signals from your body to determine if you’re experiencing a body response that could be stress.

A Sense 2 device shows an overview of Body Responses from the day.

:Log your mood after receiving a Body Response notification to help identify patterns over time and reflect on potential stressors.

The Fitbit app shows possible moods to log, alongside a Sense 2 device with those mood options.

The on-wrist EDA Scan app allows you to check your EDA responses in the moment while completing a breathing session.

A Charge 5 device shows the EDA Scan feature on the screen.

The Stress Management Score helps you understand how well your body handles stress each day.

A Stress Management Score of 25 is showing on a Sense 2 device.

Find hundreds of options for mindfulness sessions in Fitbit Premium.

The Fitbit app shows mindfulness content available with Fitbit Premium.

Sleep Profile is a monthly personalized analysis of 10 key metrics designed to help you improve your sleep habits and quality.

A description of the Sleep Profile feature is shown on an Android device.

Your Daily Readiness Score helps you determine whether you should work out or prioritize recovery on any given day.

A readiness score breakdown and suggested work out content is shown in Fitbit Premium.

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