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A black image shows a dark face and shadowy figure with silver and gold letters spelling out Resident Evil Village.

Click to play today's new cloud demo of Resident Evil Village at no additional cost from your computer browser, smartphone or tablet.

A blue picture of a cold, snowy village is placed next to a dark, dimly lit castle interior, with a button in the middle inviting players to try the demo.

Don't have a controller? No problem - play the new cloud demo of Resident Evil Village from Capcom on your smartphone or tablet with a touch screen button overlay.

A snowy scene includes a tractor and other junk on the ground as the player holds a firearm, defending against multiple enemies approaching.

Discover new games on Stadia with 15 trials (and counting), available to play at no additional cost and without creating a Stadia account.

The white Stadia website shows a list of game titles available to try for free with trials to play.

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