The Keyword: Is this thing on?

You’ve made it to, our new central source for news and stories about Google. So let us officially say: Welcome to the Keyword.
The first post on the Official Google Blog was written more than 12 years ago, before Chrome, before Android, before YouTube. Mobile phones looked like this. Since then we’ve published thousands of posts across a large number of blogs, spanning dozens of countries and languages. But we wanted to make it easier for people to find news from Google about what we’re up to.
With that in mind, today we’re launching the Keyword — a new destination for the latest news from inside Google, from Android to Translate.
The Keyword is all the stuff we had across 19 blogs, in one place — so you don’t have to hop from one blog to another to find the latest update. If you’re looking for something from Google from now on, chances are it’s here:
- The play-by-play from this spring’s match between AlphaGo and Lee Sedol
- Tiny towns on Street View. Or ruined temples on Street View. Even dragons on Street View.
- How we reduced energy use in our data centers, or what goes on behind the scenes of a YouTube video.
- Art in “gigapixel” resolution, or painted on our data centers.
- New emoji! New logos! New Doodles! Old Doodles!
The Keyword is designed to grow and change as we do, so as we introduce new products and technologies they can find a home here. It will also guide you to the big news of the week while leaving room for smaller, fun updates from that afternoon. If you want to dig in on just one topic, you still can. And we hope you like the bigger, more beautiful images, videos and slideshows.
Where you’re from is an important part of who you are, and the name “The Keyword” is a nod to the origins of search. Keywords also unlock information, which is what we’re hoping to do here — provide a central, official source of news about who we are, what we do, and what we value. (Plus, we like that it has “word” in it.)
Above all, we hope the Keyword will let us bring you more stories and tell them in more ways — stories about our products and our people, our ideas and our inspiration, the world inside Google and the world around us.
Thanks for reading!