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25 fun facts about Google offices and data centers

A GIF of photos of several Google offices cycling through over the Google 25 logo

The reception area in our Johannesburg office greets you with a “Howzit?”

A view of the reception area in our Johannesburg, South Africa office. The wall is covered in a mural consisting of different colored triangles. A large art installation spelling “Howzit” in capital letters hangs above the desk.

A few colorful beehives on our Mountain View headquarters when they were first set up in 2010. Photo credit: Emily Wood

A row of different-colored beehives situated on cement blocks in a cleared area on our Mountain View campus.

The Google office in Dublin, Ireland, was formerly a flour mill. Photo credit: David Dickens

A view of a brick wall-lined courtyard in our Dublin, Ireland, office.

Many electric vehicle-owning Googlers in the U.S. can charge their cars while they work using employee vehicle charging stations.

A row of electric vehicles, parked and charging.

Googlers chat and collaborate in one of our Tokyo office cafés.

Googlers chat around circular tables in an office café in front of floor-to-ceiling windows with a view of Tokyo Tower.

The indoor landscaping installation in our Belo Horizonte, Brazil office features native vegetation from the Cerrado biome, the second largest biome in Brazil after the Amazon.

A view of the indoor landscaping installation in our Belo Horizonte, Brazil, office, which features hanging glass orbs that contain native vegetation.

Our office in Seoul features paths that are wide enough to accommodate a wheelchair’s 360-degree turns.

A view of an office floor in our Seoul, Korea building. There are rows of desks with ample space between them, and a wide path alongside the desks that can accommodate wheelchairs.

The reception area in Google's Dubai office.

A reception area in Google Dubai’s office with a red couch, three black side tables, and the word Google spelled out in tiles on a wavy-looking wall.

Our first AI research center in Africa, located in Accra, Ghana

A wall with the Google logo inside our AI Research Center in Accra, Ghana. Both the logo and wall are covered in red, yellow, and green material, which are the colors of the Ghanaian flag.

An aerial view of our Bay View campus, showing the “dragonscale” solar roof

An aerial view of our Bay View campus.

Behind the reception desk in Google’s Montréal office hangs a quilt by Karen Desparois, a local quiltmaker whose designs tell stories using geometry as an organizing principle. The reception desk quilt features an easter egg for Googlers and visitors to solve.

The reception desk in Google’s Montreal, Canada office. Behind the desk there is a colorful quilt by local artist Karen Desparois, and a large piece that spells out Google Montreal next to it.

The WERD Cafe in our Atlanta office pays homage to the first Black-owned and -programmed radio station in the United States.

Googlers chat in the WERD Cafe in the Atlanta Google office, featuring a large mural on the wall.

A certain sticky-note art character watches over Googlers chatting in the London office

Two Googlers chat in front of an office staircase; in the background, you can see a Yoda made out of sticky notes.

Our data center in St. Ghislain, Belgium

A photo of the outside of our data center in St. Ghislain, Belgium. There are several structures, tanks, and scaffolding shown.

The ramen bar in the Google office in Tokyo, Japan

A ramen bar in Google’s Tokyo Stream office. There is a counter with wooden slats for standing-style seating.

The electricity consumed by offices at Pier 57 in New York City are matched with carbon-free energy sources.

A view of the Hudson River side of the Google New York City office atop Pier 57.

Design elements inspired by papel picado decorate areas of our Mexico City office

A space in our Mexico City office, with hanging panels featuring cut-outs inspired by papel picado, an orange couch and red chairs.

Google’s Paris, France office building was built in the 1800s.

Exterior view of Google’s office in Paris, France, with 19th-century architectural detailing.

The cafe in the Google office in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, where the walls are lined by 2,116 spice jars referencing minerals found in the state, by the artist Máximo Soalheiro.

A view of the cafe in the Google office in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, with a wall of spice jars by the artist Máximo Soalheiro.

The Developer Space @ Google Singapore

A view of a room inside the Developer Space @ Google Singapore. There are three small tables, each with four chairs, stationed around the room.

Gbikes are a fun way to get around campus.

A photo of seven GBikes parked in a group on a Google campus.

Google’s Detroit office is located in an arena complex.

The entrance to Google’s Detroit office, with the word Detroit spelled out in big script and a Google G above it.

Taiwan is home to our largest hardware engineering hub outside of the U.S.

A view of a hardware R&D lab located at our office in New Taipei City, which is built with sound-absorbing materials and used to test the acoustic performance of our hardware devices.

Stan keeps a watchful eye over the Mountain View campus while reminding Googlers that changing and evolving are good things. Photo credit: Emily Wood

A photo of Stan, the bronze-cast replica Tyrannosaurus rex fossil mount that sits among landscaping on our Mountain View campus.

Design plans for the long-delayed G.C.H.E.E.S.E office

A grayscale sketch of what a lunar Google office could look like. There is a large dome with pipes leading to it, a doorway, and a sign that reads, “Vacant.”

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