Google Wifi's Network Check now tests multiple device connections

Wi-Fi is a necessity for tons of connected devices in our homes. And when it isn’t working the way you expect, it can be a bit of a black box to troubleshoot. Google Wifi’s Network Check technology has always let you measure the speed of your internet connection and the quality of the network connection between your Google Wifi access points (if you have more than one). But what about that new smart TV in the bedroom that’s constantly buffering? Or your outdoor security camera with a flaky connection?
Starting today, we’re rolling out a new feature to Google Wifi that lets you measure how each individual device is performing on your Wi-Fi network. Knowing Wi-Fi coverage is poor in an area of your home can help you pinpoint the exact bottleneck when you notice a connectivity slowdown. Then, you’ll know to move your Google Wifi point closer to that device or even move the device itself for a stronger connection.

In the past month alone, we saw an average of 18 connected devices on each Google Wifi network, globally. With so many devices on your network, we want to make sure you have a way to know each device has the best connection possible, and that your home Wi-Fi is doing its job.
This update to our Network Check technology will be available in the coming weeks to all Google Wifi users around the world—just open the Google Wifi app to get started. Dead zones be gone!