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Ready for your close-pup: the pets of #teampixel

Article's hero media
Left: _theodorethepug. “This is our little guy, Theodore, before hitting up a pupper party.” -Nicholas W. Right: merzbenz. “This is my lovely dog. Its name is ChiChi.” -Vorapong P.
mylilchapter - “Chapter, a new member of our family. Such a funny and smart puppy!” -Patipat S.
Left: Harry.hunt. “The ‘Blue Steel’ of the cat world” -Harrison H. Right: - “Wally has a compromised immune system, but he will still live a great, long life!” -Caroline M.
Left: mymatenorman. “Norman has so much character in his face we love taking photos of him.” -Craig R. Right: jamesscottlogan. “A picture of my pup Baldur after a hike in a small snow storm in Utah.” -James L.
adventurerider1200 - “Just a cute cat!” - Rohan M.

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