Team Pixel is in bloom this spring

Our community of photographers is on the rise, and the #teampixel tribe is officially 35,000 members strong (and counting)! This week’s highlights range from colorful plum blossoms in Sakura, Japan to a confetti-filled wedding.
Left: @archibajda - Upside down in Kraków, Poland. Right: @tanyakhanijow - confetti party in portrait mode, India
@zuvamart - tea time in Hyperbad, India
Left: @motivates - plum blossoms in Sakura, Japan. Right: @juicegee - Gardens by the Bay, Singapore
@peter.hudston - neon skies in Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia
If you’re looking for a daily dose of #teampixel photos, follow our feed on Instagram and keep spreading the loves and likes with fellow Pixel photographers.