#teampixel photographer Dave East heads to Iceland

This week, #teampixel heads north of the equator on a trip with photographer, Dave East. Check out his photos from Iceland (shot in subzero temperatures!) that captured everything from giant glaciers to epic waterfalls, and hear about why he loves his Pixel camera.
Can you tell us about your recent trip to Iceland shooting on Pixel 2 XL?
Iceland was absolutely surreal. It is one of the most amazing places I have ever been to. The landscapes feel like another planet. Shooting on the Pixel 2 was just so easy, the camera is so good that when we were in a hurry I didn't even take out my DSLR because I knew the shots were going to be just as great on the Pixel 2.
What are your favorite features on Pixel's camera?
The portrait mode is amazing, it really gets the sense of depth perfectly. I also just think the photos are so crisp, it feel not like a phone camera at all.
What piece of advice do you have for capturing great shots?
For landscape work, check that your horizons are straight and that there is some depth to the shot or leading lines that draw your eye to something in particular. And make sure that you are shooting in a good time of day and that it is not too bright.
Anything else you'd like to share with us and the #teampixel community?
Just keep shooting, keep creating and keep exploring. My favourite thing in the world is travelling to new places and seeing new things.