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We’re totally buggin’ over this week’s #teampixel pics

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With Google Pixel 2 making the rounds, new #teampixel members are joining our squad each day (and we couldn’t be more excited). If you’re tuning in for the first time, we’re a community of Pixel photographers sharing our experiences on social one photo at a time.

We’d love to share your Pixel shots, so be sure to tag your work on Instagram with #teampixel for an opportunity to be featured. And without further ado, here’s a look at this week’s photos from #teampixel members, old and new.

A moment of peace in Pakistan by _hmaz, the apple of our eye by jerkharry

Ai Weiwei in New York by cjstem, walk this way by robcheeseman19

Distressed doors in Olso, Norway by kohlerkarolina

Art in progress by ayushyamitabh, a monarch muse by wolfpupp

Milan Central Station by amirscamera, posing at the State Fair of Texas by jorge_rosie

Buggin’ out in Bear Mountain with kevinmarnold

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